News Learning Commons

Welcome to our Learning Commons. This is a welcoming space for student collaboration, studying and quiet reflection.

Students must:

  • wear his/her full uniform (always);
  • no eating and drinking (except water);
  • Be considerate of other students' need for a quiet space to study;
  • Student photocopier (10cents/copy) 

What's new?

  • Subscribe to this web page to receive the latest news from the Learning Commons. Click on "Receive Email Updates" in the top right hand corner of this page to get started. You must confirm the email sent to you before you'll receive new notifications.
  • Presentation Area: is only to be used during presentations.
  • 60 chromebooks and 30 iPad minis: can be borrowed for use in the library.  You must have your student card to borrow one.
  • Click on the DCDSB All Saints square, then Click 'Enter' and login with your and
  • You can surf the internet from here, or click on the orange 'Office 365" square to work in Word, Excel, or Powerpoint;
  • To print from a chromebook, you will need to save the file on USB:
    • First, click 'File' and 'Save As' and "Save As' again and name your file and save;
    • Second, click File and 'Save As' and click 'Download a Copy' and 'Click here to download your document';
    • Third, click on magnifying glass launcher icon at the bottom left of the screen click the blue 'Files' icon. Make sure your USB is inserted in the chromebook and drag your file to the USB folder.
  • Three (3) computers and printer near entrance: for printing work. You must purchase paper for printer at 10 cents per page from circulation desk before printing. (**make sure to select the All Saints library printer)
  • Five (5) small group workstations with computer/monitor:  these print to the All Saints library printer.  These are for working on group assignments.
  • Four (4) red and white loungers :
    • must be booked at the circulation desk
    • do not sit here unless you have signed in
    • they are for 1 student at a time only
    • quiet solo work only: no eating/drinking/socializing
    • leave it clean and tidy or you will be banned from using it
  • Lounge area with couches and comfy chairs by windows:
  • Be respectful of others' need for a quiet space to study