3001 Country Lane, Whitby, ON L1P 1M1
Main Office: 905-666-7753
Attendance: 1-844-288-7628
Guidance: 905-666-8591
Fax: 905-666-7815
Principal: Janel Langstaff-Mullett
Vice-Principal: Jennifer Pedro-Neimann (A-F)
Vice-Principal: Mary Polidano (G-O)
Vice-Principal: Carla Esposito (P-Z)
“Catholic education is not something to make one a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer, or a priest… true Catholic education is not to give one a standard of living, but a standard of life”. - Gratton O’Leary
Welcome to All Saints Catholic Secondary School. This school has established the reputation as being one of the finest secondary schools in the region due to the efforts of our teachers, students and parents.
It is incumbent on every member of the All Saints Community, to maintain the standards that have been established at this great school. Not only are we charged with the responsibility of maintaining the standards, we are also charged with the responsibility of raising these standards.
In this Student Agenda, you will find some of the All Saints Catholic Secondary School procedures and regulations. They are intended to be a summary guide for students and parents, but are not intended to be a detailed and comprehensive account of our procedures.
Thanks for your cooperation and enthusiasm throughout the year. Have a great year!
All Saints C.S.S. endorses and shares the philosophy of the Durham Catholic District School Board. The philosophy of the Board states that our Catholic school system “exists as an extension of the home to complement the parent’s right and responsibility” to educate the whole person as a child of God and as a responsible citizen.
All Saints C.S.S. strives to create a learning environment of intellectual, moral, and religious excellence as understood and inspired by the Catholic expression of Christianity. As a Catholic learning community, All Saints C.S.S. helps students develop to their maximum potential as individuals and as contributing, responsible members of society.
It is compulsory for students at All Saints C.S.S. to participate actively in the religious life of the school:
The Durham Catholic District School Board recognizes that a school should be a place that promotes responsibility, respect, civility, and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment. A positive school climate exists when all members of the school community feel safe, comfortable, and accepted. It is the responsibility of all members of the school community to work together to create a positive learning environment where all members feel supported.
We are always pleased to have parents/guardians visit the school to discuss an issue with teachers or administrators. In keeping with the Board’s Access to School Premises Policy, please remember that anyone coming into the school must first sign in at the office and obtain a Visitor’s badge. All staff members will be wearing photo ID and will question anyone whose presence is not expected.
If a parent/guardian needs to pick up his/her son/daughter during the school day, this must be facilitated at the office. Members of the office staff will call the student down to the office to be signed out. If parents need to send a friend/relative/designate to pick up their child, please advise the school in advance and ask the designate to provide photo identification at the office. If the student returns to school before dismissal, he/she must sign back in at the office so his/her attendance can be monitored.
Did you know?
Make School Attendance a Priority
Don’t let your child stay home unless truly sick. Complaints of headaches or stomach aches may be signs of anxiety. Talk to your physician or ask someone at the school (guidance counsellor, principal or vice principal, school social worker or child and youth counsellor) where to go for help.
Help Your Child Stay Engaged
Communicate With the School
The Durham Catholic District School Board adopted a new automated attendance system, called Safe Arrival, for reporting student absences. Safe Arrival reduces the time it takes to verify student attendance making it easier for you to report your child’s absence and easier for staff to respond to unexplained student absences. Parents are able to report their child’s absence quickly and conveniently using three different methods:
1. Parents can log into a website: go.schoolmessenger.ca to report student absences.
2. Parents can call into the automated interactive telephone system using the toll free number 1-844-288-7628
through which absences can be reported.
3. Parents can download the SafeArrival app for iOS and Android smartphones. Search for the keyword school
messenger in the Google Play store or the Apple App store. Select Canada, select sign up, enter your email
address that is on file with the school, enter a password.
All three methods are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Future absences, like doctor’s appointments can be reported ahead of time. For more information, please visit the school website.
We believe that safety begins with positive connections between the students, staff and parents. To foster these relationships, staff in the Durham Catholic District School Board use restorative practices, including classroom circles and small group conferences to build community within the classroom and the school. Restorative Practice is rooted in the same philosophical approach as Canada’s Native Aboriginal communities. It rests on the belief that it is best to do things with people, rather than to them. When conflict arises, using restorative practice engages students in a fair process that responds to behavior in ways that strengthen and repair the relationship. It is collaborative rather than adversarial in nature. The aim of restorative practice is to hold individuals accountable for their actions while restoring and repairing any relationships amongst each other and within the community that may have been harmed.
Catholic Restorative Schools will:
School Boards provide direction to their schools to ensure opportunity, academic excellence, and accountability in the education system. It is the responsibility of the School Board to:
Under the direction of their School Boards, principals take a leadership role in the daily operation of a school. They provide this leadership by:
Teachers and Other School Staff Members
Under the leadership of their principals, teachers and other school staff members maintain order in the school and are expected to hold everyone to the highest standard of respectful and responsible behaviour. As role models, teachers and school staff uphold these high standards when they:
Students are to be treated with respect and dignity. In return, they must demonstrate respect for themselves, for others, and for the responsibilities of citizenship through acceptable behaviour. Respect and responsibility are demonstrated when a student:
Parents/Guardians play an important role in the education of their children, and can support the efforts of school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. Parents fulfill their role when they:
All school bus vehicles are considered an extension of the classroom and all school policies such as Safe Schools, and School Code of Conduct apply to the school bus. All transported students whether on a field trip or home to school transportation are expected to behave in a manner on the bus that ensures that everyone remains safe. Since the bus is an extension of the school, students are accountable to the school principal who has the authority to ensure that student conduct on the school bus is appropriate.
Due to the nature of the activity of riding a bus, the following are expectations for all methods of school transportation as per the School Code of Conduct.
All students must:
Parents and students are encouraged to report incidents of bullying or other school safety concerns as soon as they happen by contacting their teacher and/or school administration. We recognize that bullying affects a student’s sense of safety and security, and some people may not feel comfortable reporting bullying or other school safety incidents. To help ease this worry, students and parents are welcome to use the Report It page available on the school website to report incidents of bullying or other safety concerns that have not already been reported. School safety concerns can be reported anonymously or contact information can be given so that appropriate follow-up can occur. The information provided will be forwarded to the school principal for action and a follow-up response if requested.
The Durham Catholic District School Board is committed to providing safe learning environments for all students, staff, school visitors and community members. When student behaviours pose a potential threat to safety or serious harm to self or others, all schools in the Durham Catholic District School Board follow the Community Threat Assessment and Intervention Protocol (C-TAIP), which outlines how a school responds immediately to 19 threatening behaviour.
This protocol involves supports from various partners, including community agencies, hospitals and police services. Personal information shared throughout this process will always respect and balance each individual’s right to privacy while ensuring the safety of all. For more information, please refer to the school website or ask the principal for more information.
Through outreach, school and community partnerships already in place may be enhanced and new partnerships developed with community agencies and other groups within the community (e.g., Kinark Family and Child Services, Aboriginal Elders). Community agencies are important resources that schools can use to deliver prevention or intervention programs. Protocols are effective ways of establishing connections between boards and community agencies and formalizing the partnership. These partnership agreements must respect all applicable collective agreements and Board policies.
Durham Regional Police Service Partnership
The Durham Regional Police Service plays an essential role in making our schools and communities safer. The police investigate incidents in accordance with our Police/School Board protocol. This protocol is based on the provincial model developed by the Ministry of Education. The Durham Regional Police Service are instrumental in supporting our schools with all emergency preparedness procedures and Safe Schools initiatives. Each of our schools has regular access to a School Liaison Officer.
Each September, as part of our Police/Board protocol we practice our emergency response procedures so all staff and students are well prepared in the event of a real emergency. Using newsletters and the school website, we will provide all families with details of our practices and the role that parents play in supporting a school’s emergency response.
Emergency response practices include:
Parents can help by following the procedures associated with each of plans should they be present during a drill or should a real situation occur. School administration must follow the direction of the police as soon as they become involved in an emergency response. As such, Parents must understand that schools are unable to release students during an emergency response without the expressed permission of the police.
Parents can also assist the school by emphasizing with their children the importance of closely following the direction of the staff during a drill or a real emergency. Parents should encourage their children to share any information they may have about a threat of violence toward a school or information they may have after a violent incident. It is everyone’s responsibility to help keep our school safe.
As we try to keep pace with social media that is so much a part of our students’ lives, it is important to be reminded of people’s right to privacy. While taking photos or videos at various school events, please be mindful that it is illegal to post/upload/share photos or videos of anyone other than yourself your child on the internet or anywhere without the expressed consent of the person or their guardian. Sharing photos or videos of others without their consent is a privacy violation.
BYOD allows students to bring electronic devices to school for educational purposes. Students are expected to use devices responsibly, and only with the permission and direction of teachers or other staff members. Research indicates that the use of technology increases engagement, which leads to improved student success. The following are reasons why BYOD works well:
Our students are going to live and work in a world where people use electronic devices regularly. They need to learn how to use devices in a respectful, responsible and ethical manner. The Durham Catholic District School Board’s BYOD procedures, School Codes of Conduct and Ontario Graduate Expectations will guide teachers in the process of teaching students what it means to be good digital citizens.
Not every parent can, or wants to send their child to school with an electronic device. Teachers will continue to plan lessons that do not require the use of a personally owned device. Teachers are encouraged to give advanced notice when they plan to incorporate electronic devices into a lesson. Students without devices will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with other students or borrow a school device.
Students are required to use the Board’s wireless network, which they can access at no cost while at school. They will not be permitted to access their paid data plans while in school. The Durham Catholic District School Board’s network filter will help prevent students from accessing inappropriate web content while they are logged in at school.
Schools will have plans in place to help students keep their devices secures. Ultimately, students are responsible for lost, stolen, and/or damaged personal electronic devices, just as they are for other personal items brought to school.
All school boards in the Province of Ontario are required by law to have a Concussion policy and school board administrative procedures in place so that students, school staff and parents/guardians understand their role in preventing, managing and reporting suspected or diagnosed concussions.
A concussion is the term for a clinical diagnosis that is made by a medical doctor or a nurse practitioner. The definition of concussion below is adapted from the definition provided in the concussion protocol in the Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines.
A concussion:
A specific concussion protocol and tool now exists in all Durham Catholic District School Board schools that includes responsibilities for Board and school staff, students and parents/guardians. Additionally, health units and sports and fitness organizations in Durham are using this protocol to raise awareness to help prevent and manage concussions.
It is important to note that all suspected concussions must be reported and a medical doctor or nurse practitioner make a diagnosis and participate in the Return To Learn and/or Physical Activity documentation process.
The concussion tool noted in this student agenda is a resource for school staff, parents/guardians and students. Parents/guardians and students are encouraged to contact your school principal for more details about the new concussion management and prevention safety protocols that exist to promote student safety and success.
All Saints Uniform Policy September 2023 – June 2026
The official dress code of All Saints Catholic Secondary School is a result of discussion with faculty, students, parent council and administration. Our school uniform is compulsory. All students are to wear the uniform during the school day. The school colours are navy blue, maroon and silver. All Dress Code infractions will be addressed with discretion and respect.
Students can purchase their uniform at McCarthy School Uniforms or at our annual used school uniform sales.
School Uniform
Students are required to wear the uniform properly. The uniform will be kept clean and in good repair and worn neatly. Uniform clothing needs to be sized appropriately: neither too large nor immodestly tight.
Items of the Uniform |
Requirements |
Lower Body |
Only McCarthy brand khaki dress pants, shorts or the dark navy/silver/maroon kilt may be worn. Pants/shorts/kilts must be worn at the waist. The kilt must be properly hemmed and cannot be worn more than 10cm from the middle of the kneecap.
Upper Body |
Only McCarthy All Saints Catholic Secondary School embroidered logo white or navy long or short-sleeved golf shirt, 1/4 zip sweater and full-zip may be worn. A top with crested logo must be worn every day. If a full-zip sweater is worn, a crested golf shirt must be worn underneath.
Footwear |
Only black, flat, low-cut shoes or ankle boots are permitted. Laces must be black and plain. The shoes must have a full back and closed toe. Sandals, flip-flops, clogs and other styles of slip-on shoes are not acceptable. For safety reasons, shoes must be worn at all times in the building, including lunchtime. Please inquire with the administration if there is any question about the appropriateness of footwear PRIOR to making a purchase.
Hosiery/Socks |
Pants/Shorts: Solid black, navy or white socks are to be worn.
Kilt: A choice of black, navy or white ankle socks, plain navy knee socks or black or navy leggings must be worn with the kilt. Jogging pants and patterned tights are not permitted.
Items that can be Worn with the Uniform
Items not to be Worn with the Uniform
Spirit Days
Throughout the year, students will be allowed to share their school spirit by wearing an All Saints Catholic Secondary School sweater, shirt, jersey, hoodie or group/club item as their upper body item. Uniform bottoms must still be worn. Only All Saints Catholic Secondary School items will be permitted to be worn on these days.
Non-Uniform Days
On non-uniform days, students must be dressed in clothing that is appropriate for school. Only religious headwear will be permitted. There will be a cost associated with participating in a non-uniform day with proceeds going to charity. Administration reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of all non-uniform items.
To ensure that the classroom is a positive learning environment, it is expected that each student will:
All students will be issued with a photographic student I.D. If a student loses their I.D. replacement cost is $5.
Students are expected to be in full uniform during lunch. In view of the short lunch period (40 minutes), students are encouraged to remain on site. Students may go to the Learning Commons after they eat lunch. Food and drink are to be consumed in the designated locations only.
Students in Grades 7 and 8 are not permitted to leave the school property unless they are accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Students under 18 must have parent/guardian consent to sign out during school hours. Students cannot sign out and remain on school property. It is expected that students who have permission to sign out are leaving school for a valid reason (e.g. appointment, illness, family needs). Students are responsible for communicating with teachers about missed lessons. All students must come to the office to sign out. Please remember that school attendance is important to support learning.
Students are requested to avoid bringing valuable items and large amounts of cash to school. Valuables should not be left in the change rooms.
It is the responsibility of the Guidance Department to implement a guidance program which involves the entire staff. The guidance program is designed to help students grow in their Catholic values and view themselves positively as they move from adolescence to adulthood. Guidance counsellors are teachers who assist students in acquiring the knowledge, skills and attitudes to:
The following supports are available for all students:
Students are required to take this test of Reading and Writing Skills. Students must pass the test in order to graduate, and their result is recorded on their student transcript. The test requirement is additional to the 30 credits needed for an Ontario Secondary School diploma.
After an unsuccessful attempt at writing the OSSLT, students may be eligible to enroll in the Literacy Course. Successful completion of this course will fulfill the OSSLT graduation requirement.
All students must complete a minimum of 40 hours of unpaid community involvement activities before graduating from high school. This requirement is additional to the 30 credits needed for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
The 40 hours are collected and submitted on the All Saints Christian Community Service Passport. Eligible activities and safety rules are outlined on the back of the passport.
The Student Services Department, in collaboration with subject teachers, Educational Assistants and parents, provides supports to students who have unique and differentiated learning needs. Students who have an Individual Education Plan are supported through this department. The Student Services department:
All Saints Catholic Secondary School offers a Learning Commons which encourages students to access print, non-print materials and technological sources in their pursuit of academic excellence. A professional teacher-librarian is available to assist students in locating and accessing appropriate resource materials and to work with students individually, in small groups, or with classes. Our goal in the Learning Commons is to ensure that students become effective life-long learners and critical thinkers.
Students are welcome to use the computers in the Learning Commons before and after school. During the school day students may use the Learning Commons with their classroom teacher’s permission.
Chaplaincy at All Saints is a collaborative venture between the Chaplaincy Team Leader, Administration, staff members, student volunteers, Parish priests, and community members. Its goal is to nurture a Christ-centred school community by providing:
The Durham Catholic District School Board supplies bus transportation for all students residing outside of the non-transporting zone as set out by the Board. Students are responsible to the Principal for their behaviour on a school bus in the same manner as in the classroom. The use of bus transportation is a privilege and students who abuse it will lose it.
Should the cancellation of school buses be necessary due to inclement weather, the media will be informed of any such cancellations. The information will then be announced to all school communities beginning at 7:00 a.m. or earlier at the media stations listed below:
In addition the Durham Student Transportation Services (DSTS) has successfully included access to the automated phone line for parents and students that ride a yellow school bus to school. The line will be accessible for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Parents have the opportunity to call to ensure that their route has remained the same over the months. The phone number is 905-666-6979 or 1-866-908-6578.
The DSTS will also indicate to parents/guardian if their child is in the walk area of school. Bus cancellations and school closures due to inclement weather will also be available through the automated phone system.
Once buses are cancelled in the morning, they remain cancelled for the day. Parents who transport their children to school in the morning will be responsible for the afternoon transport as well. The school will remain open and classes will proceed as usual, unless otherwise stated.
General: Title page - The title of your essay should be centered in the middle of the page. In the bottom right corner include the following information with each item on a separate line: course code, your name, school name, date.
Documentation: You must accurately document the sources used so that the reader will know the origin of the information. Essentially, documentation means giving credit. By citing sources, you acknowledge those places where you draw from other people’s work in order to reinforce your own opinion. Also, clear documentation enables the readers to locate your external sources for themselves.
Citation: There are three methods of citation:
1. Parenthetical or In-text
2. Footnote
3. Endnote
* Your teacher will indicate which is to be used.
Parenthetical (In-Text) Citation:
At the end of a quote or a paraphrased section include, in brackets, the author’s name and the page of the information cited or paraphrased as follows: “I wish this parenthetical citation was around in my day” (Einstein, p. 15).
Footnote / Endnote Citation: Each reference is given a number which corresponds to its reference at the bottom of the page on which the reference occurs. Footnotes listed on a separate page at the end of an essay are referred to as Endnotes. Here are examples:
Works Cited:
The sources used in your paper are listed on a separate page at the very end of your paper. Double space between the title, Works Cited, and the first entry.
The following print resources are available at the All Saints Library Information Centre:
1. APA and MLA Writing formats rev.ed.
C.E. Anderson et al.
2. The complete idiot’s guide to research methods.
L.E. Rozakis.
3. How to research almost anything. A Canadian guide for students, consumers and business.
S. Overbury.
4. The research virtuoso. Brilliant methods for normal brains. Toronto Public Library.
The teachers and administration at All Saints are committed to enabling all students to reach their potential, and to succeed. The following expectations are excerpts from the Growing Success document initiated by the Ministry of Education, 2010.
Student Lates & Absence:
Students need to be on time for class. If a student is persistently and consistently late, a detention may be assigned by the teacher. If a student is legitimately late then they must present their teacher with a note explaining the lateness.
Student absence has a significant impact on student achievement. It is the student’s responsibility to make up missed class work from illness, participation in school extracurricular activities or any other absences, so find a buddy. If a student must be absent, then it is the student’s responsibility to complete the work missed and have the work completed upon the student’s return. Please advise the teacher in advance if you know that you are going to be away.
Due Dates and Late Assignments:
A number of strategies may be used to help prevent and/or address late and missed assignments. They include: